Am 22.Juli 2018 ist Manitonquat gestorben. Manitonquat war ein langjähriger Freund und Ehrenbürger des ZEGG.
Möge er leicht die Tore durchschreiten und seine Frau Ellika und seine Kinder Trost und gute Begleitung erfahren.
Voller Liebe, Erinnerung und Dankbarkeit,
Die ZEGG Gemeinschaft
Worte seines Sohnes Tokeem Talbot:
"Today, my father, Francis Medicine Story Talbot passed away peacefully at our home, surrounded by friends and family. He was 89. Story lived a long, adventurous, beautiful and loving life.
"He came from a family of means, but found that material wealth held no interest for him, and he started on a lifelong search for meaning. His path took him many places, as an actor, director and producer on the stage to the hippie movement, crashing the gates of Woodstock and being a part of Rainbow Family, as a storyteller and elder.
"He began writing and teaching his ideas on community and returning to our original purpose through a connection with creation and each other, ideas that resonated with the many people whose lives he touched. For decades, he continued his inclusive work of creating circles, teaching, listening and building communities, in his work in prisons in the US and workshops and camps in Europe, until he fell ill only weeks ago.
"He is survived by the love of his life and partner in promoting love and peace, Ellika, his two children, Tashin Talbot and Tokeem Talbot, their partners Frieda Tlbt and Tanja (Ta Ta) and his four grandchildren, his brother Jim and his sisters Linda and Mary and his sisters and brothers of the Rainbow Family and the Circle Way. In the coming days, plans for remembering Story together will be announced.
"Walk in beauty, Manitonquat!"